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Brexit & Business: An analysis of political and economic impact
Brexit Political Scenario

Voting on the referendum and events thereafter

1. How did the U.K. vote?
2. Timeline of main steps taken in the EU and U.K. post-referendum, 2016 and early 2017
3. Change of Government at the Centre after the referendum vote

Article 50 and the Repeal Bill

1. Article 50: what does it mean?
2. Possible content of a withdrawal agreement
3. The Great Repeal Bill: Why is it important?

Possible Brexit Scenarios

1. Possible future framework of the U.K.-EU relationship
2. What does the June 2017 election mean for Brexit?
3. Brexit Timeline: Events from March 29 2017 till April 2019

Road to Brexit: The Customs Union Puzzle and U.K. Economy

Customs Union Models available to choose

1. What do the models entail?
2. Current status of each of the models
3. Possible impact on key sectors

Brexit scenarios in the present

1. The key implications for goods and services
2. Actual timing of the scenarios
3. The political risk attached to the scenarios

Analysis of the U.K. economy

1. U.K. GDP growth pre- and post-referendum
2. Implications for U.K. Labour productivity
3. Movement of the U.K. bond market

Industry Specific Insights
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